|Feltch| It's Tangy
So I was playing some good ol Counter Strike Source when some one comes in with this disturbing name, Feltch It's Tangy. This left me with one question, how the hell does he know, any guesses?
I bet Blizzard never saw this coming! Deckard and Griswold are probably rolling over in their graves, unless they're still in some level of hell...
Oh, he definatley hacks
7:51 AM
12:36 PM
Hey, I think we can all guess how he knows it's tangy...
The real question is why he would advertise knowledge of this.
5:54 PM
I have had my brain treated in such a way that I can never actually know or remember what the term "feltch" means, and will fail to comprehend it even as you explain it to me.
8:51 AM
Is feltch really the proper spelling? I thought it was just felch. Can you use it in a sentence?
6:22 PM
The erause is such that I can't even spell it correctly.
7:04 PM
Ok, there seems to be no end to the gay terminology known by some of the members of this board.
(for the record, I had to look it up on Google)
Though, maybe he went to this site.
11:33 AM
Man, I'm scared to look at anything called "felch-pump".
12:18 PM
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