Google Me B#%$!

Nat-Wu is the tall one
I don't know if you guys have heard of this website/blog tool called site meter, but not long ago I put it on Three Wise Men, the blog I share with Adam and Nat-Wu. I think it's a pretty neat tool as it offers a variety of ways to track who's visiting your site, where they're coming from, how long they're there, what they're looking at, and analyze traffic to your blog over a period of hours, days, weeks or months. Anyway...the most interesting aspect of it to me is that it allows you to see how someone stumbled across your blog, where they come from en route to your blog. In fact, you can even tell how someone ran across if you if they were doing a google search, and it's kind of amusing to see the various search terms people enter, and how your blog comes up as a hit. Especially when they happen to be running a search for say, the "three Chinese wise men." I'm not exactly sure who the Three Chinese Wise Men are/were, but I'm pretty sure it's got nothing to do with my blog (or the pic I posted above for that matter.) It gets better than that of course. I've recently learned that if you do an MSN search for "Freedom filter Semen Commission"(???) we're the very first hit, a Yahoo Singapore search for "Navy men ripped the women's clothes off" we're the 27th hit, a Yahoo search for "J Lee website that sells jordan shoes" we're the 2nd hit, or an MSN search for "gay semen suckers" where we're again the 2nd hit (the word "semen" isn't even anywhere on our blog, I swear). That's not all site meter tells you either; it also tells you where your visitors are coming from. In the last two days we were visited at length by someone from the Office of the Senate Sergeant at Arms (who linked to us via Adam's Facebook entry, curiously enough) as well as an extremely bored person in the Texas General Services Commission Office who lingered on our blog for over half an hour.
Anyway, the moral of the story is site meter is fun and free. Ta ta for now.
Well that's weird. I'm just wondering how our blog is connected to "semen".
8:23 AM
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