I bet Blizzard never saw this coming! Deckard and Griswold are probably rolling over in their graves, unless they're still in some level of hell...

Thursday, August 26, 2004

A short (but true) story.

Down here in Seven Points, businesses are a lot less formal than they are up in the city, but I have to say, there's one that just exemplifies what I'm talking about. Or rather, it's two establishments together, out toward Cap City. These two business exist in the same building, which really is just a long shack or hut. On one side you have Sam's tire shop and on the other you have Happy Jack's bar. I don't know if the owners are related in some way or just thought that a joint bar/tire shop was a good idea. But either way, if you're a drinking man it sure beats NTB, where the only drinks you can get are from the vending machine!


Blogger adam said...

Happy Jack's bar makes Sam a happy jack too!

8:43 PM

Blogger Alexander Wolfe said...

All I'm saying is if Sam comes out of Happy Jack's to put my tire on, I'm leaving.

10:02 PM


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