Spooky resemblance?

This is NOT Nat-Wu
I know it's going to seem like I'm picking on our beloved Nat-Wu, but really it's only a coincidence that I ran across this picture and thought "This is what a younger Nat-Wu would look like in an alternate universe." This is not actually what Nat-Wu looked like when he was younger, as I can attest to by virtue of the fact that as a result of our relation I was forced to see his ugly mug almost every day. Nay, this is more what Nat-Wu would look like if you could un-age him now about 10 years; a little smaller, a little younger, smiling about as much as he ever does for pictures where he's not wearing a beaver on his head. Indeed, the resemblance of this alternate reality young-Nat to this anonymous fella here is down right scary...
Just out of curiosity, what were you looking for when you found this picture?
8:19 PM
Well surprisingly, I was googling "Nat-Wu's Evil Twin"
8:22 PM
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