I bet Blizzard never saw this coming! Deckard and Griswold are probably rolling over in their graves, unless they're still in some level of hell...

Friday, November 18, 2005

This ever happen to you guys?

Once upon a time, when I was a normal little boy, I liked American Cheese (or rather "cheese product"). I unquestioningly ate American Cheese (although I have always favored Cheddar) until one day, in my adulthood, I suddenly realized that I thought the stuff tasted like crap. Let me relive the incident for you:

It had been a while since I'd had anything like a plain ol' bologna sandwich with a slice of cheese on it, as it has never been my habit as a bachelor to eat that kind of food. However, Kristina and I were taking a little vacation and we picked up some food we could eat on the road. At a certain point, we took a rest break and got our stuff together. Kristina made sandwiches while I took care of other food.

I bit into my sandwich, chewed a moment, and then realized that whatever was in my mouth I was going to have to spit out because it tasted horrible. I looked at my sandwich, and it looked normal enough. I asked Kristina if there was anything wrong with hers. She said no. I then tasted each individual component: bread, meat, and cheese. Well, when I got the cheese I found the problem. I could eat it, but for some reason only my brain knows, I can no longer stand the taste of the stuff. I mean really, I'm not exaggerating, it is now disgusting to me. Kind of like my situation with alcohol.

I kid you not, once upon a time I liked the stuff. When I was young I ate slices of it by itself. I even ate such sandwiches into adulthood. But somehow in the 3 years or so since I'd last had a sandwich like that, something in my brain or tongue went wrong, and I can no longer enjoy that simplest of cheeses, the American.

I was going to say that I'll go with Cheddar forever now, but then I realized that if it can happen once, it might could happen again. It would be the worst of tortures if my enjoyment of cheese was taken away from me. What would I eat when I went to Mexican or Italian restaurants?

So...has anyone ever experienced something like this?


Blogger Alexander Wolfe said...

Nat-Wu, if you ever find yourself disliking Velveeta queso dip, I'll shoot you myself. That's good stuff.

2:45 PM

Blogger Nat-Wu said...

I can still eat Velveeta without feeling like I've just gotten a taste of ass (although I don't really like Velveeta).

The question, Whitey, was whether it had ever happened to you in your adulthood that suddenly something you had previously liked or thought was ok suddenly became unbearable.

On another point, I mentioned alcohol. I've come to realize that I may have an unusual sensitivity to the taste of it. Believe me, I've sampled a lot of drinks. Beer, wine, champagne, vodka, rum, and mixed drinks. Whereas other people will tell me that the taste of alcohol in a drink is negligible, I can't for the life of me smell or taste anything else. It's so overwhelmingly offensive that I usually just spit it out.

So there: I can't enjoy alcohol or American cheese. What does that say about me?

8:32 PM

Blogger Alexander Wolfe said...

That you can have no fun in life, and should die.

8:57 PM


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