Happy Halloween!

Don't look down...oh, too late.
The only literal case of "blue balls" I've ever seen.
Ha ha ha!
Anyway...seeing as how Halloween is only about a week away, I think we should celebrate here by posting pictures of people in ridiculous costumes. It's not that much work, and it's fun for everyone. Here's my contribution.
By the way, the blame for this picture goes to the Hipster, who sent this to me entirely without provocation and demanded I blog about it.
8:16 PM
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9:31 AM
Oops...my bad guys. But really...pixilation would just defeat the shock value, wouldn't it? And we can't have that here on a blog famous for goatse and tubgirl, can we?
11:38 AM
Well...but I enjoyed the responses more this way.
8:35 PM
Now that I can actually think about it, where did this come from? Do you know the story on this?
10:49 AM
You'll have to ask Amanda...she's the one that sent it me with the subject heading "Pics of Cute Puppies open NOW (safe for work/school)"
1:30 PM
I wonder who was sick enough to paint this guy, he obviously couldn't do all that himself...
My guess is that Amanda did it, and I also assume that this was a skit for some children's program that she put on.
5:17 PM
"Today kids we'll be talking about Spider-man! ...and pedophiles who dress up like him.
8:55 PM
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