"Life" Gem

I'd heard of this particular service before, but now I figured it's time to share it with my Horadrim bretheren. In case you're wondering what a "life" gem is...well, let's let the makers speak for themselves:
The LifeGem® is a certified, high-quality diamond created from the carbon of your loved one as a memorial to their unique life.
The LifeGem diamond provides a way to embrace your loved one’s memory day by day. The LifeGem® is the most unique and timeless memorial available for creating a testimony to their unique life.
Your LifeGem memorial will offer comfort and support when and where you need it, and provide a lasting memory that endures just as a diamond does. Forever.That's correct. The life gem is an artificial diamond created using the remains of any carbon-based life form you knew that has recently exited this plane of existence. Now at first you might be inclined to think this is a little weird, perhaps even grotesque. But I actually think it's kind of cool, at least in theory. I'm not sure how good of an idea it is to be wearing on your body something that might have been created out of the ash of your loved one's most private of areas. But if you equate to to a lock of hair (as opposed to a necklace made of dead V.C. ears) then it's really not so strange. And anyway they're kind of pretty. And seeing how it's Nat-Wu's fervant wish to be cremated in the manner of a viking, we can at least make some use of him afterwards.
UPDATE: Um, I just realized somewhat shame-facedly that Adam blogged about this about a year or so ago. So, my bad for stealing his idea and blogging about something that's already been done.
UPDATE II: Upon further reflection, it saddens me to think that Horadrim has come to the point of hapless bloggers having to blog about things TWICE for want of ideas.
But Nathan wants his body-diamond to be attached to the hilt of sword so his spirit can keep on killing.
1:41 PM
better than rotting in a box in the ground
1:17 PM
But better than being shot in casket in space, in the hopes of being resurrected in the distant future by our descendants or an alien civilization? I think not.
7:29 PM
Actually I do want to rot in the ground, providing nourishment for a lovely rose bush or perhaps an oak tree. And then when the zombie virus falls on us from space, I'll rise and eat people.
2:28 PM
So Adam, we agree...viking funeral for Nat-Wu?
8:15 PM
I don't see how that is, as she'll obviously be following you to Valhalla by joining your pyre. The way I see it, we get to do what we want with both your bodies. There ought to be enough ash to make life gems for everyone!
8:06 PM
You're just sick, man. And why should you be allowed to be shot into space while I'm burned into a pile of greasy ash?
10:48 PM
Fine. You can send some of your ash with me.
6:56 PM
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