I bet Blizzard never saw this coming! Deckard and Griswold are probably rolling over in their graves, unless they're still in some level of hell...

Monday, September 18, 2006

"Peaceful" Islam Still Not Very Peaceful

I find a great deal of irony in the fact that Islam is supposed to be some derivative of the Arab word for peace. Granted, Christianity hasn't always owned up to its name either, Islam (at least currently) does not equal peace on the world stage. It equals totalitarianism, violence, and terrorism. Oops, looks like my political correctness just flew out the window.

My reason for this post is the recent demand from the Muslim world that the Pope deliver a satisfactory apology for offending the beliefs of Islam. I'm not a Catholic, though I am a Christian, but this is simply ridiculous. The Pope can say whatever he wants, he's the Pope. On top of that, as he has already stated, he was quoting something in order to illustrate that religions shouldn't be violent, especially not when it comes to violently coerced conversion (as both Muslims and Christians have done historically at one point or another). Who are the Muslims to demand that anyone who says something they don't like deliver a satisfactory public apology? Who do they think they are?

They're acting like they rule the world and that we (Christians) better say we're sorry or else they'll punish us. Does that sound like peace to you? Does that sound like the action of a peaceful and passive organization?

But perhaps I have it wrong. Let me think back on all the times the Muslim world delivered open and satisfactory public apologies for all the times various Muslims, mainstream or otherwise, offended Christians or Hindus or even Atheists. Hmm. I don't recall a single example of that!

It's an event like this that is going to define terms for a while to come. The Muslims are acting like they're in charge. Does that sound alright to you? They demand that everyone respect their beliefs while simultaneously disrespecting all faiths but their own. Does that sound fair, peaceful, or equitable to you? They expect even the leader of the (Catholic) Christian world to bow to their demands. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this seems like a precursor to some serious problems. How do you think the Muslims would react if the Pope called them out and demanded an apology, a satisfactory one at that, for every death due to the actions of Islamic Extremism? Let me think, my guess is that they would react by more killing, violence, outrage, riots, threats, and defiance.

I don't know about you, but this really ticks me off. I'm not about to sit back and nod along as the Muslims play "world dominator".


Blogger Seamus said...

I think you're on to something there about the Muslim world being caught up in an image of dominance. I hadn't really thought of it that way, but it could help explain a few things. Perhaps the Islamic leaders must respond this way to keep the respect of the masses.

It makes sense that Islam is so fundamentally totalitarian that for their leaders not to act like they rule the world would be an insult in itself.

I hope the Pope doesn't give in to their demands. The last thing we need is for the Islamic world to see the Pope bow to their demands.

9:16 AM

Blogger Feels like Nine said...

Wow, a thought provoking post. What this shows is that Muslims are a bunch of fucking hypocrites (pardon my French). I guess I should amend the statement by saying "extremist" Muslims are the hypocrites. I do feel there are decent, "good" Muslims out there. I bet most of them live in the United States.

Anyhow, here's something I found interesting in an article on CNN.

"The [extremist] group said Muslims would be victorious and addressed the pope as "the worshipper of the cross" saying "you and the West are doomed as you can see from the defeat in Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya and elsewhere. ... We will break up the cross, spill the liquor and impose head tax, then the only thing acceptable is a conversion (to Islam) or (killed by) the sword.""

Please take note of the last words "the sword."

A subsequent paragraph said: "The pope on Sunday said he was "deeply sorry" about the angry reaction to his speech last week in which he cited the words of a Byzantine emperor who characterized some of the teachings of Islam's Prophet Muhammad as "evil and inhuman" and referred to spreading Islam "by the sword.""

So basically the moronic Muslim extremists just proved that the Pope was right. The Pope criticized Islam for it's violence and conversion "by the sword," and the Muslims responded by threatening a Holy War in order to convert people "by the sword."

I mean, how idiotic does that sound? And no one seems to be commenting on their hypocrisy.

It sounds like the Pope didn't exactly apologize, but said he deeply regrets the reaction his statement caused.

"His apology is not sufficient because he did not say that what he said was wrong," said Uzair Ahmed, from Pasban-e-Hurriyat, a Pakistani political group.

Okay, Mr. Ahmed, you're beloved Muslims just showed the world how violent the religion is by using the threat of War and by committing acts of violence and vadalism on Christian churches.

I think this statement sums up today's Islam: ""We are afraid," said Sonia Kobatazi, a Christian Lebanese, after Mass at the Maronite Christian St. George Cathedral in Beirut, Lebanon, where about a dozen policemen carrying automatic weapons stood guard."

The Muslims spread their religion through fear. Yes, it's true Christians have a violent, ugly history, but they've grown out of it for the most part. When was the last time a Christian flew a plane into a skyscraper? I can only think of the Protestant-Catholic terrorism that went on in Ireland as the most recent form of extremist Christian violence - and Ireland hasn't seen that violence for many years now.

The Muslims still use violence and fear as their tools of influence. They're still living in the Crusades.

I felt the same way when Muslim groups responded violently to the Danish cartoon depicting Mohammad with a bomb on his head. They just showed the world that the cartoonist was right! Your religion uses violence and fear. Imagine how peaceful the world would be if all these Muslim extremists disappeared tomorrow.

9:59 AM

Blogger Seamus said...

I couldn't have said it better myself, Feels.

How can they expect the world to take them seriously when they react like this? How are they justified in their anger over a supposed remark on Islamic violence when their reaction is the exact Islamic violence previously mentioned?

The only thing they are accomplishing is showing the world how explosive and violent they really are. I can hardly imagine a better synonym for violence and intolerance than "Islam".

10:40 AM


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