The Ladies of IPL

Lovely Ladies "A" and "K"

Despite what you may have seen on TV, the library business is not entirely a male-dominated profession. Beside the many men slaving away here at IPL to answer your questions and find your books, many a hard-working woman works. Two of them, our personal favorites, are pictured here. "A"(on the left) is one of our resident children's librarians, whose job it is mostly to keep the little buggers out from under our big, manly stomping feet by entertaining them with stories, songs, crafts or by mostly allowing them to sit on the computers and download Dragonball Z and Yu-Gi-Oh pictures in black and white. "K" is entrusted mostly with returning many a valuable book to the shelves on which they belong, so that potential child-molestors have something to peep from behind when searching for underage girls who themselves are desperately trying to study and pretend not to notice the weird old guy checking them out from the gardening section. Yes, I daresay without their female-ness our libraries would be hardly as pleasant to work in. Thank you "A" and "K".
A and K would be proud of you Xanthippas...
5:27 PM
As we are of them. By the way, this is the first of a weekly post on the women of IPL. Unfortunately there will be no swimsuit pictures, unless we can arrange royalties.
6:17 AM
Ha, you don't fool me. I know you are really talking about Ashley and Katrina!
11:26 AM
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