I bet Blizzard never saw this coming! Deckard and Griswold are probably rolling over in their graves, unless they're still in some level of hell...

Monday, August 30, 2004

WWTS - What Would the Toilet Say?

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (Reuters) -- The citizens of Amsterdam may now take counsel of talking toilets that expound on the perils of smoking or the futility of war and berate them on hygiene and cleanliness.

The first such toilets, fitted with sensors to detect exactly what visitors do and to pass comment if appropriate, were installed in a central Amsterdam cafe Thursday. Creator Leonard van Munster, who sees the project as an artistic venture, will build more if the demand arises.

"You might consider sitting down next time," the toilet told a male Reuters reporter politely in a female robot voice. The next user was told that "The last visitor did not take heed of basic rules of hygiene."

Depending on circumstances, the toilet might remind you to wash your hands or ask you to lift the seat.

"It could suddenly start coughing and warn you about the dangers of cigarettes, or name all the cool movie stars who smoke. It just depends what mood it's in," van Munster said referring to people who sneak off to secretly have a puff.
What would you like to hear a toilet say? And better yet, what might a toilet say to Nathan after his "rapture" experience on John's toilet?


Blogger Nat-Wu said...

Dave Chappelle had a similar idea, but his was a Wu-Tang Clan member hanging around in the bowl.

3:18 PM

Blogger Feels like Nine said...

As for Nathan, I think it would have dialed 911.

8:24 PM

Blogger Alexander Wolfe said...

I think it would be cool if the toilet could suggest I lay off the Doritos.

12:44 PM


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