Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Previous Posts
- WTF????
- Musical Analysis Critique, Section 1
- Look, David! They fixed the sign at Stonehenge.
- Here's peering at you!
- "Bend over to the front and touch your toes..."
- I gotcha again!
- Schwarzenegger outlaws sex with corpses
- Not bad for a dollar
- So, we walked into Trafalgar Square in London, onl...
- John! You asked for it!
But since you ruined my day already, why don't you get an image of that Time cover and post it?
7:38 PM
7:48 PM
Hmmm, smells like rain. Ass rain that is.
8:04 PM
That does NOT count as a post!
9:20 PM
The Lord does indeed work in mysterious ways.
1:30 PM
Does the Lord use Photoshop?
3:22 PM
Does he have the processing power for that? What does God run, anyway?
8:21 PM
2.5 Lord-o-hertz I believe.
1:31 PM
I was at work the other day and noticed that one of my employees had a printout of this picture on her cubicle wall. Above it were the words "God's Hands." I don't know if she knew it was photoshopped, and I definitely don't thihnk she realized its true origins. But nevertheless I couldn't help but laugh on the inside...and cry on the outside. Maybe I should just send her an anonymous email with the "goatse" website as the subject line so that she willl never be ignorant again.
2:58 PM
Oh God! That makes me want to cry too.
Drops pants/distends? AGH!
7:17 PM
If I saw that I would be crying on the inside and the outside.
7:18 PM
12:17 PM
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