An Indecent Proposal

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Okay, so I don't know if everyone has noticed this, but lately we've had a lot of library-work related posts going on. Like, seriously...a lot. So I started thinking the other day about maybe trying to put together a forum for the more serious library-related discussion, since I actually think the format of a forum is more conducive to discussions like that than a blog is. Actually, I've been thinking about it for awhile, since C-Biggie, Nat-Wu and I are routinely trading serious work-related stuff, and I thought maybe a forum would get everyone else involved too. Anyway what's the consensus on this? Yay, nay, don't care?
Seriously, I sent Nathan an email a few days ago about how I had updated TWM a lot and he was like "So? You've not responded to my work stories." I was thinking,
"Dude, I don't even understand or care about half the stuff you're talking about with that!"
9:46 PM
Yeah, well, I was asking for opinions and you didn't give any! Dude! I say do a forum. I'll be on it.
8:29 AM
I say just leave well enough alone. The Horadrim is for anything...keep using it, lest it die again.
8:55 AM
It is, but Alex is right that a forum would be an easier format. I'll go with either option.
9:33 AM
See, I agree that the Horadrim is and should be for anything. But, it also seems to me like the original spirit of the Horadrim is that of humor, even for library related stuff. I was thinking a forum might be more appropriate for "serious" library issues not only in that the structure of a forum is more conducive to such discussions, but also in that we don't want to feel like we're excluding any of our Horadrim bloggers who aren't current or ex-library employees. I don't want anyone to feel like I'm trying to take content away from Horadrim though, so I won't start anything unless you guys seem to approve in general.
10:46 AM
Well, it is true that the Horadrim is, and was, primarily an outlet for strange and funny things. But so far I like how things are going...I say keep up the posting, whatever the content.
10:55 AM
since all I can do is comment here, it's almost like a forum for me already. So, six of one, half a dozen of another.
9:56 PM
So far this is what I have:
1 "yeah!"
1 "this is a forum for me anyway"
1 "yeah" but not sure if serious
1 "no", but it's John so it counts for 2 or 3 since he started Horadrim.
The consensus is clearly that there is no consensus.
6:46 AM
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