I bet Blizzard never saw this coming! Deckard and Griswold are probably rolling over in their graves, unless they're still in some level of hell...

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Cubic Insanity

Hey, guys, remember the Time Cube site? Well, it turns out Gene Ray, the creator, has several other sites dedicated to "explaining" cubic time.

Above God
The Greatest Thinker

Make more sense now? I didn't think so. Here's the scary thing: somebody else is trying to take the canonical timecube writings and explain them in more...understandable terms.

I also found this website dedicated to the incredible evil of cubic time, which includes the incredible phrase " CUBES ARE AN ABOMINATION BEFORE THE LORD YOUR GOD! It says so in the Bible!"

Finally, this little gem.


Blogger Alexander Wolfe said...

What exactly does it say about the internet, and humanity in general, that this nuts could actually acquire something of a following, however small? And, will his following stay small? Or is the timecube meme destined to take on the virulance of goatse??

8:35 PM

Blogger Alexander Wolfe said...

Check this guys:

Exodus 2:11 "And the Lord saith, that not only is the cube an abomination before him, but also the triangle, which adheres to laws of the false idol Geometra and is low and forsaken in God's sight."

12:57 PM

Blogger Number Four said...


5:23 PM

Blogger James said...

Technicaly, he said "Cubes are an abominatio". Whis is Italian for 'Good idea'

6:34 AM


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