Belgians are mad crazy

Yep, he's doing what you think he's doing
In case you didn't know already, Europeans do things a little differently then we do. In our country, a pair of stone boobs gets a blue curtain. In Belgium, a stone statue of a little boy brazenly urinating in public garners something close to adoration. The Belgians, not having the good sense to be ashamed of this architectural and artistic travesty, even go so far as to create an incredibly cheesy website devoted to the "Mannekin-Pis", filled with animated urination, disturbing sound effects, and even the clever touch of little golden drops of uring dripping off of letters. Visit, and be sure to send animated e-card of the "lil' peer" to a loved one!
BTW, Credit (blame?) for this little post goes to the Hipster who brought this little wonder to my attention, and who apparantly delights at the sight of urinating little boys...
"The world is your toilet"????
To me, this expression explains everything that is wrong with the modern human race.
9:02 AM
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