I bet Blizzard never saw this coming! Deckard and Griswold are probably rolling over in their graves, unless they're still in some level of hell...

Friday, November 18, 2005

How far is too far?

I have question for you guys that goes to the very soul and nature of the Horadrim. Specifically, is it possible to go too far in our zeal to blog? Let me explain how this question occurred to me.

At school today I found myself needing to go to the restroom to take my mid-afternoon constitutional. Unfortunately, it appeared someone graced the throne before me. I knew this based on the ample evidence of such a presence left in the waste receptacle itself. I thought to myself "Man, that is a righteous dump." Naturally, this made me think of the Horadrim, and how I'd enjoy sharing this little story with you guys later. Then I thought to myself how much more interesting it would be to have some picture to go along with my story, as I usually do when I blog. Then I thought "Well I have a camera phone, so why don't I just photograph the evidence here and then later I'll have a picture to go with my blog entry." But then I was seized with doubt ( as well as the righteous odor accompanying the deposit, which caused me to flush the evidence away.) The question arose in my mind "Is this in fact appropriate for Horadrim? Sure we've discussed goatse in great length, debated the merits of tubgirl, and posted pictures of a man with his balls painted blue and Japanese guys with tiny costumes and big smiles...but is posting a poop picture going too far?"

So what it is fellow Horadrim? Is that going too far? Help me out here.


Blogger Alexander Wolfe said...

Discrete...but considerable. And, is that relevant?

9:59 PM

Blogger Nat-Wu said...

In that one is merely interesting and the other offensive...perhaps.

4:45 PM


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