Make Money w/ Slim Jim
List Price: $18.79
Amazon Price: $14.49 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25.
You Save: $4.30 (23%)
Add four to your cart, then use coupon code GROCERY2 at checkout to get $10 off.
400 Slim Jims = $0.25 x 400 = $100
Buy this and resell them for the price listed on the box to make some quick $$$.
Mama's Slim Jim Roast Recipe
1) Preheat oven to 350
2) Tie 100 Slim Jims together with cooking twine
3) Place in roaster, add vegtables if you wish
4) Bake in oven for 45 minutes
5) Remove from oven and let rest for 5 minutes then remove twine and slice
10:47 AM
After following your link, I was pleased to see that customers had actually reviewed Slim Jims on
Here is an intellectual gem from one of those reviews:
So profound, and yet so circular. I also see some really great spelling and gramatical mistakes. Chris, was that your review?
11:02 AM
Oh no you didn't. Don't go there girlfriend! ~snap snap snap~
11:42 AM
Hey, guys, we didn't make this site to turn it into an anti-beefsnackstick blog. Keep that kind of stuff where it belongs--in angry e-mails.
12:19 PM
Look, just cause Beef Lips is the second thing listed on the back of the package, don't be hating!!!
I'm not sharing my screen name...but this is actually a better place for the topic. Here you can let all things, good and bad, fly equally.
12:34 PM
After some reflection, it still bothers me that you mocked my fellow slim jim eating friends. Just cause you have a different beef flavored snack of choice gives you no right to slaughter my peeps in the same way that chicken's peeps are slaughtered, ground, and mechanically sererated into that which i devour. I demand an apology. If one is not given, you shall forever be flogged with Slim Jims until all the fatty juice has been beaten out of the never ending shelf life sticks of juicy beef flavor and all that remains is a pile of jerky.
1:12 PM
Chris, all those "chicken eaters are dogmatic fools" e-mails were just thinly-veiled personal attacks.
1:24 PM
I think it's worth it just to eat 400 Slim Jims.
1:36 PM
Chris, I didn't post my comment so that you could proseletyze. All that you've done is show the rest of us how intolerant and bigoted you are of people's meat choices (which they are born with by the way).
There are also several unnamed people who are too ashamed to say it, but were deeply offended by your comments and attitude toward beef. These people now feel that you really don't respect them, so maybe you shouldn't pretend to be their friends.
2:14 PM
I don't know about you guys, but I would gladly front the $100 to watch Feels eat all those Slim Jims at one sitting.
2:48 PM
First off, John, i'm not talking to you until you say you're sorry.
Second, to Kou, should he eat them straight from the package or should we fix them up in Mama's Slim Jim Roast style?
I'm thinking we add some sides of corn bread and gravy. Maybe some sweet taters and collard greens. Throw in some buttered rolls and corn on the cob and we've got ourself some mad cookin!!!
Who's bringing the kool aid!!??
3:16 PM
The sides will just fill him up--then we will be left with a burned-up pile of jerky logs as worthless as getting outraged by things on humor blogs.
3:20 PM
please don't call them that. "Jerky Logs" is degrading.
I prefer "flavor filled mounds of beefy goodness".
3:37 PM
I will do as I wish, as this is MY blog...RUPERT!
4:32 PM
Wow, I feel sick.
10:08 AM
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