I bet Blizzard never saw this coming! Deckard and Griswold are probably rolling over in their graves, unless they're still in some level of hell...

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Other Blogs

You guys ever check out the "Blogs of Note" on the Blogger homepage? Here's an entry from Aziz's blog:

"Monsoon Miracles: Today was an excellent day. The most runny of poos that have tormenting me for the past few days finally relented, i'm sure because I got my hands on some sweet drugs, namely Ciprofloxacin, an antibiotic. This miracle antibiotic has, I think, saved my life at least once and maybe twice while i've been here in India. Since I’ve already amply described my near-toilet experiences with India’s unique strains of explosive diarrhea in previous entries, and plan on writing a book to be named 'The Story of My Experiments with Diarrhea,' I’ll just say that I have gone from near-deathly to definitely alive within the past few days."

Just in case anyone ever feels this blog isn't up to par...


Blogger Seamus said...

Sounds like an interesting book...but I would title it: "ja und schiesse." And this other fellow's blog sounds like something Daniel would write about his digestive woes...

7:57 PM

Blogger Feels like Nine said...

Yeah, I think Daniel has a one up on this guy. He could write a book called "My Experience with Univeristy Cafeteria Beef" or "Look What Happens when I Drink Public Pool Water" or "Tales of Spew from Both Ends." But I agree, "Ja Und Schiesse" would be the most appropriate name.

8:17 PM

Blogger Sarah said...

I believe we can all write a chapter in this "book". Having lived in a neighboring country where water parasites are sacred creatures, I have a few stories myself. However, although we've all "been there... done that", only one person (well, 2 if you include my father) have experienced a momentary loss of consciousness while sitting on the throne.

8:34 PM

Blogger Nat-Wu said...

Oh man, if I'd blacked out while on one of those Indian squat-hole toilet, I'd have fallen in! The horror! BURN THAT HOOCH!

8:43 PM

Blogger Alexander Wolfe said...

Hey, this guy don't know diahrrea unless he's had Brainerd diahhrea...

10:31 PM

Blogger Seamus said...

As I was saying to Nathan the other night, I think humans are probably the only creatures that actually experience severe trauma while passing stool. This guy says he was near-death...

1:40 AM

Blogger Feels like Nine said...

I've mostly only puked due to excessive drinking, not parasites. (knocking on wood as I write this).

8:45 PM


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