I bet Blizzard never saw this coming! Deckard and Griswold are probably rolling over in their graves, unless they're still in some level of hell...

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

The Wonderful World of Political Slash-Fiction

Since the two things that dominate my thoughts the most are sex and politics, I began to wonder if anyone had ever written any slash-fiction between political figures. Sure, enough I did manage to find one guy. Unfortunately (or not for you guys), it's all gay. Here's Blair/Brown and Bush/Chirac. There's more listed here, but no links, so you'll have to make do with those.


Blogger Seamus said...

My favorite line is:

"And then he felt the Texan spin him around and take him in his arms. For a second he permitted himself to yield to the embrace. But as Bush started to put his tongue down his throat he slapped him hard, and then stroked his cheek."

1:02 PM

Blogger Alexander Wolfe said...

OMG. And this is what I read: 'What kept you?' he said saucily. 'Get your pants off, fatty.'

That's some sexy dialogue, gay or straight.

1:37 PM

Blogger adam said...

Yeah, those are the lines I reacted to the most too. I think we need Ralph Reed/Shrek's Mom slash.

2:13 PM

Blogger Feels like Nine said...

But what if it were a person with Saddam's body, Brittney Spear's boobs, Dick Cheney's head, and George Bush's voice?

8:37 PM


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