He's too sexy for Item #ZWA-604

For those of you who may not be familiar with Cheaper than Dirt, it's a gun/sporting goods store in Fort Worth that does extensive catalog business. However, unlike some catalogs with regular inventories, they appear to have an in-house photography shop that produces ads for items as they come in. I was thumbing through their catalog this morning when it struck me that this one person is in an abnormal amount of the pictures. In fact, he is featured on at least 15 of the 70 pages, advertising everything from web gear to gas masks to foil emergency blankets. What is it about CTD man that appeals to the catalog-makers??
That'll be Jason someday...with a facial expression of embarassment and shame
9:54 AM
I believe his appeal lies in his generic whiteness, which is both reassuring and yet non-threatening.
1:27 PM
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