I bet Blizzard never saw this coming! Deckard and Griswold are probably rolling over in their graves, unless they're still in some level of hell...

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Freedom stands tall!

Well guys, it looks like the Dems got crushed last night, in spite of exit polls and Dan Rather almost crying on National TV. America has weathered one of the ugliest political storms in history and come out standing strong. At least Kerry is going to go out with dignity. I hope Martin Sheen, Michael Moore and all those other liberal windbags are choking on it right now.


Blogger Seamus said...

This blog is for any and all things, politics included if that's what's going on. Especially with the presidential election just yesterday.

And besides...Four More Years! Yeah! House, Senate, and President, oh my!

Looks like my vote paid off...straight party baby

1:47 PM

Blogger Seamus said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

1:48 PM

Blogger Seamus said...

We need a Republican celebration up in the place

1:52 PM

Blogger adam said...

Three cheers for voting against your own economic interests and right-wing religious extremism! When are you guys signing up to go to Iraq?

3:19 PM

Blogger Seamus said...

I don't know about you but I voted for moral integrity, more even taxation across the board, and a conservative national leader, not to mention plenty of other issues.

But see it as you will, apparently the majority of America disagrees with you.

3:27 PM

Blogger Nat-Wu said...

Well, I suppose, but I don't see why right-wing moral bankruptcy is any better. Unless that is, you naively subscribe to the Republican line that they're the party of values. I mean, the do have values but basically they're concerned with being rich and making all rich people richer at the expense of the poor. And if you don't believe that, the more fool you. Go look at Bush's tax cuts in detail and see who benefited the most, both absolutely and proportionally. Then again, you may not be the kind to think that leaving the US with the highest debt it's ever had counts as immorality, but when you see how it's crippling the nation and hurting the poor even worse, I find that a little hypocritical. Therefore, such a comment is either hypocritical or ignorant (by which I only mean uninformed) of actual Republican policies. Also, I do tend to think that willfully destroying the environment so that future generations lack adequate natural resources is explicitly immoral and if you have any doubt about the Bush administration's policy on the environment, well, that's just stupid. But then, we did find out many times over the last year that the majority of Bush supporters didn't know what the hell they were talking about since they generally believe we had conclusive evidence of WMDs before we went into Iraq and then proceeded to find said WMDs (note: even the Bush administration no longer makes either claim). Nor does the average Bush supporter have any idea of what Bush really supports (I'll leave it to Adam to provide the links on that). Also, and this is personal, I voted for Kerry and I'm a little annoyed that I'm called one of those morally bankrupt left-wingers.

Now, as for Seamus. Seamus, Seamus, Seamus. I thought you were smarter than that. Seriously. I don't think that anybody can look at the two men, Bush and Kerry, side by side and claim Bush to be the superior. Kerry has shown his fiber in combat and in service to the country for 20 years. What has Bush shown us except lies and bad decisions? Or do we not blame Iraq and the poor economy on him? As far as taxation there may well be Republicans who don't want to leverage the majority of taxes on middle-class and lower individuals, but aside from Mccain, I can't name them. You want fairer taxes you say, but you voted for more taxes on us, and you can take that to the bank. If you want proofs, take a look our our other blog, threewisemen.blogspot.com and go through the archives or just ask Adam. You see, I know right wing non-thinkers tend to believe Michael Moore pulls his numbers out of his ass, but unfortunately there are real, credible sources that disprove the majority of what Republicans say.

In conclusion, I made the most moral, prudent, and practical choice I could when I voted for John Kerry. Sadly enough, the majority of people who voted for Bush didn't consider any of those criteria.

5:49 PM

Blogger Feels like Nine said...

In conclusion....

Bush won. Kerry stuck at home suckin' on his thumb.

GOP 4 more years!!

6:09 PM

Blogger Alexander Wolfe said...

Oh no! Not politics! I want this blog to be fun! It's my other blog that I get my liberal ravings out on, and I hadn't planned on gloating here even if Kerry won(that also is what my other blog would be for.)

Anyway I think Nat-Wu's made a pretty persuasive argument about "moral values" vs. actual immorality. I think it is short-sighted to weight only "actual" moral issues like gay marriage or abortion, and leave out other issues that I think are just as moral but harder to qualify, like rampant deficits, cutting of social services, lying or deceiving to go to war, or what not. I really think that if you're going to weigh issues of morality, you have to weigh all the issues, and not just the ones for which your candidate favors your position.

Also, I didn't hear any argument about how fucked up our foreign policy is; we may not have gotten to that yet, or you guys may be conceding that point, but really I think it's somewhat immoral to invade someone's country, kill 30K to 100K of their people, for WMDs that you later can't find and really never knew were there in the first place.

Anyway I wouldn't gloat too much. The percentage difference wasn't all that great, and there's still a lot of people who didn't vote for Bush, and I figure now that Repubs are even more solidly in charge they've got an even greater chance to fuck things up even more at home and abroad, and even fears about homos up and marrying each other may not be able to overcome that next time.

Okay I got my word in! Let's call it and get back to posting funny pictures of people! And where the hell are the library stories???

7:14 PM

Blogger adam said...

This just shows the problem. You voted on "moral issues" and against Kerry, and didn't think anything about what Bush has done or holding him accountable. As long as you showed those liberals what's what you don't give a damn what happens, right?

7:27 PM

Blogger adam said...

Neither of you answered my question. At least Kevin has the balls to sign up. If you love Bush's policies so much, show it.

7:28 PM

Blogger Feels like Nine said...

Hey! I am posting funny photos. Just look at my post right after this one!

7:37 PM

Blogger Alexander Wolfe said...

I will add my conciliatory statement which admit to no wrongness on my part, while accusing 100% wrongness on the other persons part, and I also apologize for anyone's misunderstanding of what I said. Oh, I did make one more political post, but I got in a goatse reference(hee hee.)

7:44 PM

Blogger Seamus said...

Anyone on here who ignorantly (and by that I mean doesn't actually know, aka nescient) accuses someone else of voting because they were ignorant on certain issues is themself utmostly ignorant. No one here knows just what any of the rest of us actually know or do not know.

Several of us have made our political leanings pretty clear, but as I already stated accusations of ignorance are unfounded.

So here is my conciliatory statement: The Republicans find certain things to be of highest importance, the Democrats consider a different set of things to be of the highest importance. As to which is the "right" side, I've made my decision. But we are all informed enough to make a decision, and we all did, whether or not anyone else agrees with it.

4:17 PM

Blogger Feels like Nine said...

Okay, okay. I broke down and read Nathan's long-winded article. I have one obvious refute:

To quote Nathan:
"I don't think that anybody can look at the two men, Bush and Kerry, side by side and claim Bush to be the superior."

At some time or another we voters had to put Kerry and Bush side by side...and guess who's still in the White House?

A political blog would be cool, except I have a feeling this political madness will die off in a couple weeks.

5:38 PM

Blogger Seamus said...

A political blog might be alright, but I don't think it would stay fun for very long. There are only so many issues to talk about and once they've been exhausted no one wants to bring them up again.

It would be fun only in the sense of seeing the specific arguments for each side, but no one is going to convince anyone else of a different view. And would you be capable of not taking everything personally?

If you want to "debate" a certain issue, then just post it and we can debate it via comments. That way once it gets old we can just move on to a new topic, and we also have other things to blog about that are random and unpolitical.

8:30 AM

Blogger Feels like Nine said...

John is absolutely right. We might as well make a single post and debate it via comments like this one. I don't think an entire blog will last long if it's solely based on politics. I still think in a couple weeks, everything will be back to normal with Goatse references and severed testicles.

Also John is right in that no matter how much debating goes on, the Dems will stay Dems and the GOP will stay GOP. There's really no hope of anyone "converting" anyone else from left to right or vice versa. We all seem steadfast in our views.

And something as silly as a blog isn't going to make anyone change their stubborn political views either.

8:53 AM

Blogger Seamus said...

I think this post may now have received more comments than any previous post. It was a tough competition with Shrek's Mom, but I think it has prevailed.

9:58 AM

Blogger Seamus said...

I take that back, it has now tied with Shrek's Mom...

10:00 AM

Blogger Feels like Nine said...

So politics is more popular than a big fat green lady?

Looks like there is hope for this world after all.

11:42 AM


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