I bet Blizzard never saw this coming! Deckard and Griswold are probably rolling over in their graves, unless they're still in some level of hell...

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

He's harmless...really!

He can fly!

I couldn't help it. I had to blog about him. If you haven't seen this guy's website yet,
you must. You can be ignorant of this fellow no more than you can be of goatse or tubgirl. So go here. Don't worry...he doesn't stretch his anus or anything.

Update: Okay, if you haven't seen this guy since he made the email rounds among us a few years back, you really should go back to his webpage. He's got quite a few new costumes(if that's what you're interested in)and a "Pixie Friends" page with pictures people have sent him of themselves dressed as...well, you'll see. There's a "grrls" section with some hot(and not so hot)fairies, a "bois" section with some...we'll, you'll see(let's just say he's no longer alone) a kids section and even a "pixie pets" section. He also has a section of is his "everday" wear. Oh, and yes it looks like he still has the same haircut.

Anyway, go an enjoy. Who knows...maybe it'll appeal to the "eternal child" in you!


Blogger Alexander Wolfe said...

So to post this, I got a picture from his website and it saved automatically to the my pictures folder on my desktop...which, coincidentally I have set up with pictures for my screensaver. So I see my screensaver come up and lo and behold, who's merry face appears? Yep...peter pan flying across my screen. It was not pleasant.

8:20 PM

Blogger Feels like Nine said...

My God! Peter Pan is the least of our worries from that page.

8:51 PM

Blogger Alexander Wolfe said...

Hmmmm...it appears he's also appeared on the Conan O'Brien show. That makes the second internet personality after "Tron-Man" to land a spot on a late night talk show.

2:13 PM


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