I bet Blizzard never saw this coming! Deckard and Griswold are probably rolling over in their graves, unless they're still in some level of hell...

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Watch your kids....

...they may actually hate you!

Reading cases for school is not always as boring as it sounds. Especially if one or more of the parties is actually insane. Take this excerpt from a 1947 case on the validity of a will. This is from the opinion written by the judge in the case:

"The deceased never married. Born in 1896, she lived with her parents until their death [in] about 1928, and seems to have had a normal childhood. She was devoted to both her parents and the to her. Her admiration and love o fher parents persisted after their death to 1934, at least. Yet four years later she wrote: 'My father was a corrupt, vicious, and unintelligent savage, a typical speciment of the majority of his sex. Blast his wormstinking carcass and his whole damn breed.' And in 1943, she inscribed on a photograph of her mother 'That Moronic she-devil that was my mother.'

Later on in the opinion:

"She regarded men as a class with an insane hatred. She looked forward to the day when women would bear children without the aid of men, and all males would be put to death at birth. Decedent's inward life....found an occasional outlet such as...the killing of a pet kitten."

It's the day that a client like this walks into my office, that I know it will have been worth it to go to law school.

PS The line "blast his wormstinking carcass and his whole damn breed" is too good not to use myself at a later, highly appropriate, moment.


Blogger XXX said...

Hey there, what a great advice site!
I will definitely bookmark your page!

11:39 AM

Blogger Alexander Wolfe said...

Glad I was able to help!!

11:41 AM

Blogger Feels like Nine said...

We should keep posting just to see what comments we get.

7:13 PM

Blogger adam said...

Yeah, my blog keeps getting posts from "anonymous" saying "Great blog! How would you like life insurance..."

6:51 AM

Blogger Alexander Wolfe said...

Mine too, which is why I now own 14 life insurance policies.

11:17 AM

Blogger Nat-Wu said...

Dude! That is an awesome story. I just love the thought of these secretly insane people living under our noses. Makes me feel a lot less guilty about killing people when I know some percentage of them are just evil/insane.

9:22 AM


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