Oooh....I want one of those!

One of my job duties is to make sure the volunteers are working on something. It doens't always matter what, as long as they aren't getting on the staff's nerves. I have one teen guy in here today that was wanting something to do. We get a good bit of magazine donations here so i decided he could cut the mailing labels off. He said he would give it a go and off he went. He came and found me about 5 minutes later. Thinking he had a question i asked what was up. He said "You guys have a wide variety of stuff. Are these really all for sale?". I told him they were and asked which one he was interested in. He said "The Playboy one that's back there."
I called for backup to watch the desk so that i could take care of that magazine situation. Sure enough, someone was kind enough to donate Playboy magazines to thier local library. I told him those were not for sale and that even if it was he wan't old enough to legally purchase it, used or new.
It was then time for him to do something else...straighten the stacks perhaps. In fear of him winding up in the Adult Fiction section, more specificly the Zane section, i asked him to go clean up the Easy Picture Book section.
Problem Solved.
Continue On.
If those magazines would have made it to the shelf, Stephanie would have shit on herself.
11:03 AM
Both things I would have wanted to see, Kou!
By the way, C, where did those magazines end up...
Why do I ask? No reason...
11:41 AM
We trashed them. By "trashed them" i mean "sold on Ebay".
In fairness to the teen boy, they were really really old issues. I'm talking old like back in the day where someone's belly showing was about as bad as Tax Lady farting and belching while laughing loudly and standing just behind Logan and the Reference Desk.
12:01 PM
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