I bet Blizzard never saw this coming! Deckard and Griswold are probably rolling over in their graves, unless they're still in some level of hell...

Monday, July 10, 2006

Scary Hairy Bears

As some of you will recall, The SARS and I went to Disney World for our honeymoon. The highlight of the trip for me (as far as public embarrassment and comedy goes) was definitely an incident at the Country Bear Jamboree. As with most Disney "theater" attractions, you file in from one side, pick a row, and scoot down as far as you can go. We were about six rows back and seated when a great commotion arose in the second row. A lady was becoming irate about being asked to scoot down and "lose her good seat in the middle" (you must bear[no pun intended] in mind that this is A SHOW TO WATCH 30 YEAR OLD ANIMATRONIC BEARS SINGING and the equivalent of fighting over a Chuck-E-Cheese table right up by the stage). The lady was asked again to move down and unilaterally decided that she should haul her considerable bulk over the bench and sit down in the front row, which was pretty full. She was warned that she had moved into the handicapped row and could not sit there; however, several people had continued to file in and she was able to return to her row and take her seat. At this point I couldn't hear her, because a huge animatronic moose had begun to bellow loudly, but the cast member exclaimed "that's it, I'm calling a manager" a few seconds later. Much to my dismay, another cast member dressed like Tom Sawyer convinced her that a call to the manager was unnecessary at that point, and the prediction that the manager is a gigantic Mickey Mouse that drags you out remains unconfirmed. Oh well-- there's always next time!


Blogger Seamus said...

" At this point I couldn't hear her, because a huge animatronic moose had begun to bellow loudly"

- That's my favorite part of the story.

By the way, don't click here.

7:22 PM

Blogger Sarah said...

I'm glad you clarified that this was the highlight of the trip "as far as public embarrassment and comedy goes". Admit it... the real highlight of our trip was having breakfast with Winnie the Pooh.

7:32 PM

Blogger Kou said...

Perhaps I could tell you another tale of honeymoon bellowing...

7:49 PM

Blogger Sarah said...

That's what you get when you go to the all you can eat German buffet in Epcot.

7:57 PM

Blogger Kou said...

mine bowels doth move of their own accord.

9:36 PM

Blogger Kou said...

I just realized that I left part of the previous post off:

", flowing copiously forth like a mudslide."

8:44 AM


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