I bet Blizzard never saw this coming! Deckard and Griswold are probably rolling over in their graves, unless they're still in some level of hell...

Thursday, August 03, 2006

One very bad night....

Let me start by saying that yesterday i called in sick to work. I originally wanted to have pictures to go along with this that would help illustrate the story, but due to how slow the Libraries network is....getting pictures just isn't doable right now. Back to the story....allow me to explain the situation:

My breakfast that morning consisted of eggs and cheese. My lunch was cheese pizza. For dinner I had a plate (or 2) of 4 cheese lasagna with a side of garlic and cheese toast. It was only after dinner that I realized that perhaps I shouldn’t have had all that cheese.

Around 7:30 that evening I was sitting on the couch. While watching my son play around living room it hit me....the stomach wrenching gas pain that attacks from nowhere. It was as if a roman candle had just been set off inside my stomach. The gas at that instant was so bad I couldn’t release it from either end (if you don't get it....wait. It'll hit you soon enough); I could only ball up in pain. After a few seconds the pain was gone. Having turned red all over my face and neck, the wife asks if I’m ok. I wasn’t sure. But I knew if I stayed on the couch much longer we would have a terrible mess to clean up…so I darted for the nearest bathroom. Being that he had about a four step head start along with me now being able to only take small steps in fear that if I ran in full stride I would prematurely “lose my luggage”….Ben beat me to the bathroom and locked the door. So I ran across the house to the other bathroom in all out agony.

Once perched on my throne it was like the philharmonic orchestra decided to bust out into a full set. Loud bangs here, sonic booms there, an occasional gust of wind from over in the flute section....but nothing of any substance. The gas rumbled on with no end in site.

Around 10:30 the wife comes to me to check on me. By this time I had made it into the other bathroom. She brings me medicine. “Gas-Ex” the box reads. Sounds like a great idea...at the time. I had more gas than a Valero Gas Station, so down the hatch the medicine went. Being that I was only about 12 moves from finishing the Sodoku puzzle I was working on I decided to sit there and finish it out before attempting to retreat to bed. Good thing I did. It only took a few short minutes for the Gas-Ex to kick in. I glanced at the box. Sure enough it read in small print “Instant Action”. I could see the turmoil quickly coming to an end.

The orchestra was in all out Chorus mode. Rumbles here, thundering there. Nothing was soft or quiet at this point in time. The “music” was fast and it was furious. And apparently it was out of tune. My master bathroom is in the master bedroom. And well, once the chorus picked up, my wife left the room. She muttered something about being too loud and waking her up. I wasn’t paying too much attention as it was also time for one of what would be many emergency flushes. I was wrong. The situation was far from over.

There must have been 4 or 5 episodes of these loose bowel movements. Not only did I get near the point of dehydration, but my 2 year old son (who I guess was also awoken) learned the phrase “loose bowel, got the runs” that night.

The wife comes to the restroom again. This time she was holding a box of Imodium Advance. On the box it reads “Rapid Relief of Diarrhea”. Thank goodness. That’s exactly what I needed. The box said to take 2 at the next bowel loss, 1 after the second loss, and one more additional pill after the 3rd episode. I cut to the chase and took 3 right off. This was no time for waiting games. I needed relief and I needed it right then.

At that point my body was fighting through the combination of a large amount of cheese, Gas-Ex and Imodium. The cheese was doing its best to stop me up, the Gas-Ex was trying to reverse that, and well...the Imodium was trying to reverse the reversing that the Gas-Ex was performing on the cheese.

I thought I was about to explode.

And so I did.

I’m not sure exactly what happened next. But I do know I cried out in pain. I’m not sure what giving birth feels like, but I’m guessing this was as close as I’ll ever get. The last bout only lasted about 3 minutes. That’s 3 minutes I never want to go through ever, ever again.

Needless to say, I'm back at work today and all is good.


Blogger Seamus said...


The last time I had gas pain and explosions like that I also took Gas-X. My story ended in the hospital, though, including copious amounts of bile through vomiting and diarrhea simultaneously.

I seriously thought I was going to die. By the time I was admitted I could no longer stand since my bloog pressure was so low.

2:49 PM

Blogger cbiggie said...

at least i know i'm not in this alone anymore.

Next time i'll call you during it all for morale support.

2:57 PM

Blogger Number Four said...

Well, nwyou knowwhat i've been going through for a year now, minus the bleeding i'm guessing. Anyway, i know it sux, all you can do is tough it out onthe porcelain throne, lol. I know its not funny when its happening, but hopefuly you dont have the desease i have and its a one time thing for ya.

3:19 PM

Blogger Seamus said...

Number Four, you could join Christian Science. They believe that all disease and pain is an illusion and that all you have to do is realize the truth to be healed.

3:41 PM

Blogger Feels like Nine said...

Mmmmm cheese...

Anyway, that was quite a tale, C. It is a curious phenomenon that horrific crapping is no fun while you're experiencing them, but make for hilarious stories after the fact.

My poo adventures haven't been near as deadly as Seamus getting hospitalized, nor quite as dramatic as this story here. But there was this one time while I was vacationing on the beach: I decided to walk along the coast and was probably around half a mile away from my hotel room, when suddenly the "attack" came from nowhere. I squeezed my buttocks together with all my might as I furiously waddled back to the hotel. Long story short, I made it, but by God it's something I never want to experience again.

4:06 PM

Blogger cbiggie said...

9ft from over on mavs101 lived with me for a short while a few years back. He once had to go so bad he backed up both toilets at the same time. No kidding. He backed his up, ran to mine...and backed it up to.

I'm not sure how he fixed it, but he did. We lit matches, candles, set newspapers on fire. Nothing worked. The nasty smell lingered for a while.

He acted ok once he was done. But i just know that any time your body forces out enough waste to clog up two toilets at once....that can't feel good.

4:32 PM

Blogger Kou said...

I once had to walk over a mile back to my apartment to take a dump because something strong got shaken loose during my evening walk around the neighborhood. I had to clench for so long that I just had to sit on the toilet with my legs muscles spasming for almost half an hour.

5:52 PM

Blogger Sarah said...

I'll spare everyone the details of what happens to a person's intestines after they've been on antibiotics for almost 90 days. Just feel sorry for Kou. But hey, at least I my skin has cleared up.

7:06 PM


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