I bet Blizzard never saw this coming! Deckard and Griswold are probably rolling over in their graves, unless they're still in some level of hell...

Monday, July 26, 2004

Project Paulownia kawakamii

For those of you who have been to my house, you can probably appreciate the comedy of this post.  You have probably seen the absolutely enormous plant in our backyard and grows freakishly larger every week.  It looks like this:




And yes the swingset next to it is naturally dwarfed.  Anyhow I was out in the backyard today and noticed that the top of our freakish plant was covered in seed-pods.  I went and got my brother to show him how much bigger this plant had gotten and he had a brilliant idea.  Here is a problem at our house:  Mowing the "garden" (a plot of land overgrown by a furious variety of thick and persistent weeds).  We have come upon a solution:  taking these seed pots and covertly planting them all throughout the garden so that suddenly it will look like this:



No more grass or weeds = no more mowing.  Won't our mom be surprised when she looks out the back window one day and sees a veritable jungle of asian trees...


Blogger Feels like Nine said...

I think you should cover the yard in scheiße.

6:26 PM

Blogger Nat-Wu said...

John, you could always use the tried and true method of burning it all down.

10:17 AM

Blogger Alexander Wolfe said...

I think this is a great idea. As a tree-hugger, I support it.

10:49 AM


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