I think we lost him!

Man down!

I shall not say I told you so, only that I didn't vote for I, Robot. However, James wanted to avoid crowds so we didn't go see the Bourne Supremacy at a major theater, we went to see I, Robot at the Movie Tavern in Bedford. Now I didn't think this was a bad idea either, just not what I'd prefer. The ill omens began almost as soon as the four of us (James, Amand, Kristina and myself) left Amanda's apartment. James took us down 121 to get to 183 where there happened to be an inordinate amount of traffic. However, we did manage to get there on time anyway. We purchased our tickets and headed into the theater. Our second warning was that the women's bathroom was closed due to some malfunction. The ladies had to temporarily take over the men's room. Not a severe problem. James and I went to find seating for the five of us (Lavonne had joined us). We spotted what seemed to be the ideal location. Now to give you an idea of the layout, this is one of those movie theaters where the attendants come serve food in the theater and the rows of chairs all have little tables in front of them. So we spot a good location over on the left side of the theater. Being on the right side, we began to walk through the row to get over to the left side. Tragedy! As James put his foot down just after passing the first seat, he slipped. I swear, it was almost like watching an act. First his foot went one way, then his foot went the other way, and after struggling valiantly for as long as a second to maintain his balance, James went down! He fell; his left knee took the brunt of the damage. However, he fell in a most spectacular manner. James tilted slightly to the left and came down hard on a cupholder armrest. I kid you not, the cupholder exploded! I'm serious, I saw shards of plastic flying in the air. James quickly got up, but he was obviously wounded. His left foot was hurting and he had a scrape on his knee. James bravely walked over to our chosen seats, eschewing offers of help and protesting that he was ok. Still, when the manager came he did accept a bag of ice. I should point out that the staff of the theater neither covered the seats sharing the broken armrest nor did they mop the floor. Anyhow, with the apologies of the manager, we did temporarily move past this event. Inexplicably, the manager offered James no compensation for this mishap! Still, we decided to tough it out. We went ahead and ordered. Kristina and I ordered cheese sticks and a pepperoni pizza. Then the previews started rolling. It was the preview for the new Jet Li movie, but without the sound. We waited, as this sometimes happens, but no sound was forthcoming. But wait! We heard some kind of sound, shortly before we saw the Pepsi advertisement come up simultaneously with the preview! It was also playing the music that had been playing before the preview! It took them another preview to get this problem fixed. Finally, when the sound was fixed and the last trailer shown, the movie started rolling. But wait: where's the food? Yes, although the entire rest of the auditorium had been served, we waited. It only took our man another 10 minutes to get there with our order. Of cheese sticks. No pizza ever came our way, although initially we were charged for both. We convinced the server of the error of his ways though. Finally, after the movie was all over we went out of the theater where James and the manager wrote up an incident report (whatever they call it there) and I signed it as well, being the only witness of the event. We left without further event, although I suspect more would have happened if we'd stayed. There was an ominous and ridiculous looking cop there in a huge white Stetson. And that was our night at the movies.
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8:36 AM
You should have seen "Catwoman."
8:48 AM
I think the movie you took that picture from, Platoon, is the earliest role I've seen Dafoe in...and as I recall he seemed kinda gay
9:19 AM
Kinda gay, but one badass soldier. Which is why I have no problem with gays in the military.
12:26 PM
Alex, the reason you don't mind gays in the military is your fixation on soldier-on-soldier porn.
6:16 PM
That's lesbian soldier on lesbian soldier porn.
6:22 PM
Okay, Nat-Wu's last comment as actually me as him. Sorry about that.
7:38 PM
No, we all know you meant to pose as me. It was simply my threat to put a flaming bag on your head that made you admit it.
7:44 PM
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