Taking aim at weirdos on the bloggerspot

You know, I was editing my profile today, and I got to wondering why exactly my favorite stuff is underlined. Well, I clicked on some of them and, much to my dismay, I discovered that it shows you all of the people who share this interest. I think if we put our heads together , we can figure out who should be the most ashamed of his interest/favorite book etc. I think my interest in the book Foucault's Pendulum puts me in with a special class of high-powered mutants.
I think that only Benicio Del Toro can qualify for the "high powered mutant" category...sorry Dan-el
9:33 PM
Yeah, your mutant powers relate more to the quantity and quality of gas you expel daily. Or hourly, whatever.
5:52 AM
Oh, and if I'd known about the interests, I probably wouldn't have put "stuff" and "other stuff" in there. Amazingly, there's a few people who share those interests.
5:56 AM
Is a shot from basic, before you deployed to Iwo Jima whitey?
6:14 AM
Also if you'll take notice, the picture crops off the lower half of Daniel's body. It's my guess he's lying in deer crap...with no pants. Just a guess.
11:01 PM
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