AMANDA! Get on with it...geez
We've all been waiting patiently for you to post on the blog...come on!

I bet Blizzard never saw this coming! Deckard and Griswold are probably rolling over in their graves, unless they're still in some level of hell...
I think Amanda should only post pics of herself in skimpy clothes.
3:47 PM
We could have her pose in a sexy librarian outfit with glasses and a book, and we could send it out and advertise it as "The New Face of Reading."
4:26 PM
I like your reasoning, Adam. Anyone who has a picture of Amanda, post it on the blog!
3:05 PM
But I want a picture...
4:19 PM
She signed up as the "hipster"! Woo-hoo!!
8:07 PM
For the record, I did not bust Daniel's scanner and even if I had, it's Daniel's fault because he's the one who let me borrow it and wouldn't take it back when I tried to give it back. So there!
1:40 PM
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1:41 PM
Daniel's busted scanner is a good thing. I've seen enough poorly scanned pictures of his ass on
8:40 PM
I believe I have pictures of a certain someone in bunny ears...
2:59 PM
5:11 PM
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