I bet Blizzard never saw this coming! Deckard and Griswold are probably rolling over in their graves, unless they're still in some level of hell...

Friday, October 15, 2004


Does this remind you of anything?

So I did a short websearch for "goatse", just to see what was out there, and I found
this picture which bears a remarkable similarity to the notorious picture. This isn't fake; this is a real cover to Time magazine, which I found here. Strangely enough, when I searched for goatse, that link actually came up as one of the first few results on google, despite that fact that nowhere on the webpage can you actually find the term "goatse"(if someone can explain how that works, I'd be much obliged.) Oh, and I found this little bit on snopes.com that talks about this picture and another picture you'll easily recognize from this blog. Anyway, goatse lives on.


Blogger adam said...

That'd be pretty interesting if it was an homage. I wonder if Mr. Goatse himself reads Time?

8:24 AM

Blogger Seamus said...

Those are probably goatse's actual hands stretching his "flag" wide open

So are they insinuating that terrorists sneak into America through it's gaping rectum?

9:54 AM

Blogger Alexander Wolfe said...

Is there a term for becoming obsessed with someone else's obsession?

7:15 PM

Blogger adam said...

I saw this a few weeks ago, and frankly I can't believe that the blatant obscenity of this photograph made it onto the cover with absolutely no one on the staff aware of the similarities.

9:03 PM

Blogger Alexander Wolfe said...

Anyone who works at a major media publication and doesn't know about goatse should be fired.

They should also be fired for not knowing that this comes up as the 4th or 5th link when you google "goatse."

11:29 AM


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