Though it's not the clearest, it is a start. Here's the first Blogged Mutant Patron. He is known as "The One Eyed Sneezer"

I bet Blizzard never saw this coming! Deckard and Griswold are probably rolling over in their graves, unless they're still in some level of hell...
As long as there no more picture of someone's "One-Eyed Monster"...
5:24 PM
The story of the O.E.S. will hopefully be posted for all to see shortly. Though only 2 NW employees were present at the time of impact, many others have shared in the anguish both mentally and emotionally. The story impacts the only first hand witness (our very own Seamus) in such a horrific way that even he once left O.E.S. hangin' when there was an attempt to connect on a High-5. Yes, it's that bad.
~~~WARNING ~~~
O.E.S: THE SNEEZE HEARD ROUND THE WORLD is not a story to be read by the faint of heart.
6:01 PM
I think OES once hit on Lorenza...and she liked it
6:16 PM
But what about the one-eyed monster?
Oh. Nevermind.
7:38 PM
Am I the only one not getting the picture here?
7:56 PM
Yeah, I can't see the picture for shit.
8:02 PM
I thought that was the picture.
7:44 AM
the pic was so graphic not even the blog site could handle it. It'll be up later...until then...picture an overweight man with a fuzzy red beard, bad hair, one squinting eye, and a fat gut that forces the bottom button of his shirt open --- staring at you as if he hasn't eatin in days and he thinks you're a Twinkie.
2:31 PM
There's really no nead to be sharing your sick fantasies with us.
4:54 PM
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