Men of the Mask

You do NOT want to take these girls home to mom
For me, few things are as exciting as finding an interesting website online. Like, oh, this gem. Apparantly for some cross-dressers it's insufficient to just dress up as women. It seems they don't feel complete with out a little help in the form of a poorly designed and highly disturbing rubber mask. This "lady" has a lot of "friends", so feel free to browse through the site and see some of their handiwork. Ironically, the better make masks are actually MORE disturbing.
9:41 PM
Why isn't anyone commenting on this? Is it because I told you guys in an e-mail that the "lady" on the left is me?
7:17 PM
Uh, because I'm not looking at that site therefore I have nothing to say. Except to wonder exactly how you came across this site.
7:16 PM
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