Throw down!

Xanthippas and "Adam" flashing their signs and reprasentin' for da Wise Men
Horadrim contributor "Adam" brought to my attention the fact that my blog "Three Wise Men"(co-blogged by "Adam" and Nat-Wu) has surpassed "The Horadrim" in total posts. While normally this would be a cause for celebration, I can only lament that The Horadrim has fallen so far from our days of glory in July and August, when we averaged as many posts a day as we do in a week now. I've decided it's time to turn things I'm throwing down a challenge to all you Horadrimites out there! The world is a funny place! The libraries are still crazy! Our lives are sadly and pathetically funny! I haven't posted about DC's fat cops yet! There's the dismembering of male genitalia all around us! So get to it! BLOG!!!
That's actually funnier than the chicken picture.
7:54 PM
7:57 PM
That doesn't sound like unbridled enthusiasm! Get to it soldiers!
8:08 PM
If you're going to throw down, at least use a real picture of yourself
10:20 AM
What, that's not really them?
11:21 AM
Now you don't think I'd post real pictures of us on here do you? Do I want the legions of Horadrim readers recognizing me in the supermarket? I think not.
6:12 PM
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