Da-ding..da ding da ding da ding ding ding...

Mr. T says "I pity the fool who gets pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis from Mt. St. Helens. When the big mama blows, cover up your nose!"
Good advice from a modern sage.
Perhaps Arby's Guy's actual mold problem, wheezing, and Oxygen tank are related to this disease. Maybe if we cured Arby's Guy we could reduce our mutant level alert. The One-Eyed Sneezer, Suspenders Guy (who seems to have an 'outy" belly button about the size of an eggplant), Tax Lady, Hairy-Leg Lady, Mutant Lady, and such keep our alert level consistently too high.
Chris, you have no excuse now not to join the blog!
3:02 PM
Remember "Mr. T Ate My Balls" ?
That used to be a good source of entertainment
3:42 PM
Mr. T. ate Daniel's balls
11:01 AM
I expect to see pictures of all those mutants forthwith.
6:14 PM
Can't you just imagine Mr. T saying "when the big mama blows, cover up your nose"
Like on one of those Say no to Drugs commercials
11:38 AM
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