Hot Christmas Prank Action!

This elf got punk'd
In my research on Christmas humor I had a sudden idea: what if you combine the prank/shock theme with the Christmas humor theme, to get the Christmas prank? "Genius!" I said, praising msyelf. Sure enough, there are Christmas pranks being plotted and played out there in the merry Christmas world. Some of these pranks are truly diabolical. Here's one I stumbled across, reprinted in full so you can appreciate the full effect:
All you need to spread a little holiday cheer is heavy weight fishing line, a shoebox, shiny thick gift-wrap, bright red ribbon, and the cover of darkness. Here is how the joke unfolds. Neatly wrapped and bound, an empty gift will be placed on a stranger's porch; a friend rings the doorbell and quickly runs to the waiting car or makes for a prearranged pickup location. The stranger opens the door and sees the shiny gift, that they believe, has been left for their family, perhaps by a neighbor or friend spreading goodwill. Not seeing the fishing strand tied to the ribbon, their eyes light up and their face glows with a delighted smile as they bend over to retrieve the friendly gesture. When the present is almost in hand, you yank the gift from their clutches and drive off, box trailing. Your victim will be dismayed and have a terrific holiday story they will treasure for years.
Brilliant! Though I can imagine a few minor-technical really-details that our little prankster might have to worry about. For one, unless your car is sitting in their driveway, you're going to need some serious fishing string. There's also the question of timing. Unless you're timing is impeccable, you run the not-inconsiderable risk of yanking the Christmas delight out of the hand of the unsuspecting victim. If they happen to holding their goody tightly(and who wouldn't be?)your Christmas prank might be followed by a Christmas visit to a not-so-festively decorated jail on charges of assault and battery. Also, it might be worth a moment to consider what the average person would think of a completely unannounced (and possibly battered) Christmas present sitting on their door step. In this age of the Unabomber and Al Qaeda, I for one would be inclined to call the police or kick it into the law and detonate it. Lastly, even if your prank does go true to plan, there's the possibility that the victim may not have a story they enjoy telling to others, as they may be afraid family and friends will think they've been around the ol' holiday eggnog too much.
But it's a good start, and fully within the old Christmas tradition of pranks. My search continues.
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