I bet Blizzard never saw this coming! Deckard and Griswold are probably rolling over in their graves, unless they're still in some level of hell...

Thursday, July 27, 2006


Sorry about the title of this post, but that's exactly how I feel about Exxon/Mobile's 2nd quarter profit earning. It wasn't as much as their last quarter, but it was close to beating the record. Is it a mere coincidence Big Oil is reaping big profits while gas prices are at an all time high? Gotta be price gouging.

Hell, we have Iraq why not take a little oil for our trouble?


Blogger Sarah said...

I agree. I couldn't believe that when I heard it. I think we should all get some kind refund (or free stock).

11:41 AM

Blogger Seamus said...

Well, given the number of consumers who buy gas every day we could easily overpower gas stations and take all the gas we need.

I saw we form a "consumer's union" and negotiate our own gas prices.

12:37 PM

Blogger Kou said...

What would stop our "consumer's union" from becoming a violent gang of gas thieves, a la Mad Max?
Remember, it's all fun and games until a razor boomerang takes someone's head off.

1:01 PM

Blogger Feels like Nine said...

I agree they need to give something back, or better yet, bring gas prices to their true, uninflated value. They blame higher demand and mideast turmoil. I blame the higher prices on giving the previous CEO a $350 million retirement package.

2:01 PM

Blogger cbiggie said...

whoa...for a second there i thought i was reading a group of comments from a TWM blog.

2:48 PM

Blogger Seamus said...

No C, a TWM comment list would include an obligatory jab at conservatives via the republican party.

8:01 PM


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