I Have a Secret
While bored and looking at Technorati, I was curious what the most popular blogs were. Apparently, #5 is a blog called PostSecret. It's a rather bizarre concept where people create an anonymous postcard, revealing a secret they have never told anyone, and mail it to the blog author to scan and post on the blog. Anyway, there is some weird schiesse on this blog, but I think I found the two best ones:
This one is funny for obvious reasons:

The next one I thought was hysterical. It's basically a snapshot of my sense of humor. It works on so many different levels such as: Why would anyone have such hatred of Dan Marino? He never got into any trouble with drugs or bitched about his contract like other professional athletes. Heck, he never won a Superbowl, so even a fan of a rival team couldn't be angry. Plus, what kind of person would keep this secret?

Well i'm glad you liked technorati. You should get Chris to register the basketball blog. That way it would be listed on the searches and all that too.
11:38 AM
Man, I'm still laughing at the Dan Marino thing. The fact that it was "wished upon a shooting star" makes it, I think.
The Mavs blog mainly is place for us to vent. We basically copy stuff from other articles anyway. He can list it if he wants.
1:11 PM
I don't think i'll be listing it lol
I don't want people finding it and getting upset and posting stuff like "I said that first on my site!!!!"
I think it's very clear on the mavs site that we come up with nothing on our own lol
It could easily win an award for the least original site out there.
4:04 PM
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