Well, we all know that Amazon finally wised up and deleted
THE BEST PRODUCT LISTING ever, but it looks like intrepid pranksters have decided to take up the cause by posting disturbing reviews for innocent products. Now, it looks like this product has been made unavailable due to the undoubtedly nonsensical questions and requests the poor confused seller was getting, so see the comments while you have the chance!
Some of the comments for the Milk were really funny, and strange. God, there's a lot of them too.
I was disturbed by this comment:
"Tuscan Whole Milk or TWM, as we like to call it within our community..."
They're using our acronym for the TWM! Bastards!
10:20 AM
That is absolutely the funniest Amazon review I have ever witnessed.
These comments need to be posted on the blog:
Oh man, MILK!, April 10, 2006
- There's just something inherently awesome about whole milk. I mean really, what's better than a bite of cheesecake offset by the wonderful milky flow that is....milk. Dunk some cookies in a glass of this stuff, and prepare to glide down the breezy current of pure, wholesome liquid refreshment.
Tuscan Milk = Fountain of Youth!, July 24, 2006
-Countless studies from Scientists have proven that Tuscan Milk is the modern day Fountain of Youth!
"lol, I drank some Tuscan milk I bought online and I totally got younger lmao. My friends were like, "wtf! hax!!" it was so funny I pee'd myself, wtf, lmao haha."
- Dr. Brian Pepperson P.H.D.
128 fl oz of pure concentrated youth! BUY THIS NOW!
you BROKE my TOILET, July 24, 2006
- do me a favore....
call roto-rooter
address 123 Fake St, Springfield, ??
tell them to go down the hall to the bathroom
tooo much milk 3~~@P
God is not worthy for this milk, July 24, 2006
- Unlike most milks, this milk is very durable during intercourse! I dumped my girlfriend because it feels much better to have sex with a gallon of Tuscan Whole Milk. It never loses its quality, no matter how many times I have sex with it.
Thanks Tuscan Whole Milk!
Tuscan Whole Milk!, July 24, 2006
- Tuscan Whole Milk or TWM, as we like to call it within our community, has truly blessed us with all the wonders and joys of our NEW master: Da'Rii of the Teat System. Soon, we shall all ascend into the heavens to join Lord Da'Rii and his quest for freedom from the threat of the Fahr-Merr of the Dale
Us kids don't know what the milk is all about!!, July 24, 2006
- You see, us kids, we drink the sunny delight which gives us the brain damage. With its drippin' and the droppin' and the bippin' and the boppin'. So we dont know what the milk is all about! You see, the milk is like jello pudding. Uhhh, no, actually its more like Kodak film. No, actually the milk is like the new coke. It will be around for ever. Heh heh heh!
11:54 AM
I hadn't even seen the Oozinator reviews. It looks pretty hillarious though, considering the one comment that was left in tact.
12:46 PM
You can still view the original "Oozinator" ad on the internet, sometimes titled "major pumping required."
3:59 PM
I found some of the oozinator comments and they're incredibly hillarious. Honestly, though I think the milk is funnier.
The oozinator almost begs for such sexual inuendo, but whole milk? This is so random and uncalled for that it made me laugh uncontrollably.
10:43 PM
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