Proud to be Republican

"This bill would support the taking of innocent human life in the hope of finding medical benefits for others," Bush said in announcing his veto. "It crosses a moral boundary that our decent society needs to respect."I am immensely proud of our president today. George Bush stood up for life and for the rights of the unborn. I was proud of him when he responded to terror, I was proud of him when he defended the sanctity of heterosexual marriage, and I am just as proud now as he vetoes this stem-cell bill.
No matter what anyone feels about this, we all started out as embryos. I'm thankful that I wasn't slaughtered for stem-cells. I'm thankful that my wife, my family, and my friends weren't slaughtered in this way either. I am also thankful that I can protect my unborn child from being exploited and murdered in this way.
Even though the future will probably see darker days, I thank the Lord that Bush has pushed back those days for another while. Good job, President Bush, thanks for doing your job and standing up for what is right.
No, Seamus, the calls for suppression of differing opinions on Horadrim are over. However, I am counting the minutes until a post ridiculing your opinion, either directly or via a conveniently similar current news article, appears on a certain blog.
Your comments in the final paragraph really capture the essence of what it means to be a "conservative," and why "liberals" will never understand us. We are not trying to bring a utopia into being through our "superior" individual knowledge and insights--indeed, we know that such a place can never exist. We seek to "conserve" all the good, right things that our society has produced, knowing that this will be a neverending fight.
4:54 PM
Hear, hear!
I'm also proud of him for telling it like it is about the crisis in Lebanon and for not being afraid to use the word "shit" to the British Prime Minister. You go, George! Keep up the good work.
7:14 PM
I doubt members of a certain blog read this one anymore, which is probably a good thing.
I applaud Bush for standing up and vetoing a bill he thought was morally indecent; the same way, I applauded him for his quick military reaction to 911. You gotta give Bush at least this: He's got some balls. He's not some spineless, yellow-bellied wuss like Clinton, who had a chance to take out Bin Laden but let it pass by.
Now I am no expert to the process and theory behind stem cell research. According to South Park, it will make you superhuman by feeding on unborn fetuses. I'm curious what freedoms the bill would have granted stem cell researchers. If it involves discarding complete human embryos, then hell yeah it needs to be vetoed.
11:35 AM
It's important to remember that other kinds of stem cell research, which are not really covered here, don't involve the use of embryos and are PROVEN to treat medical conditions, continue unabated.
Another thing that's important to remember is that this legislation is sought after because private stem cell funding has not been materializing like the advocates had hoped.
12:53 PM
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