LSASS: Library Star All Star Staff

Real library stars (or so Google says)
I was waxing nostalgic today (instead of waxing what I'm usually waxing) and I got to thinking that while we've had some seriously cool people working at IPL, we've never had them all in the same place at the same time. So I got to thinking, what would have been the coolest combo of IPL employees possible, if we'd all worked at the locations we did, but all at the same time?
1. Chris, James, Daniel and I all working at VY at the same time. NOTHING would have gotten done. As it is very nearly nothing got done just when Chris, James and I were there.
2. John, Chris, Nathan, Amanda and I all working at NW at the same time. See above.
3. Nathan, Amanda, Kristina and I all working at Central at the same time. That mostly would have been us conspiring against admin and all central authority.
4. Nathan alone at EB. Oh wait, that happened.
5. Tim Lawrence, Amanda and me at North Lake. Wait, that happened too.
Okay, anyway you can see where I'm going with this. Surely I've left out other combos. Any suggestions?
How was their spam before I even posted this???
Okay...stay on topic!
9:05 PM
Hey, can't Seamus delete those stupid spam comments?
The most awesome combo would have been NW with Chris and Alex as SLAs, myself, John, and Daniel as part time LAIIs, and Amanda and Logan as our librarians.
11:18 AM
Argh they're threatening to derail us! Must...stay...focused...
That combo would be the pretty much the most awesome library combo ever. We would have conquered all branches, then laid Central to waste, executing all admin and taking the LAIs for slaves. It would have rocked.
1:37 PM
When you put it in terms like that, how can you resist coming back to take up the mantle of SLAyer?
9:07 PM
Oh I can resist.
9:36 AM
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