If library business is the talk of the town, then I'll pipe in too.
Let's talk about Branch Mangers vs. Senior Librarians for a minute. Here at NW, and likewise at other branches, the Branch Manager is a librarian that handles librarian duties and the Senior Librarian is...well...the same thing. It ends up being a system with a handfull of employees divided up into two pseudo-deparments and two bosses. I, for one, think this is needs to be changed.
Now before I go on harping on how things are bad, I acknowledge the need for a "manager" to be on the premesis at all times, and thus I understand why there are two "bosses" at the branches. My problem is that librarians, for the most part, don't make very good managers. The solution, of course, is that there should be an actual Branch Manager and an actual Senior Librarian...who would have guessed!
I think the Branch Manager should be a manager; i.e. a person trained to completely manage a library. And, realistically, that person would need professional training in both the library and business fields. The Senior Librarian(s) need to handle every librarian duty that exists at the library (reference desk, children's programs, book clubs, book orders, etc...). They wouldn't be able to sit on the reference desk all the time, they wouldn't get their other duties accomplished, and that's where the SLA's step in.
So, in summary, what I am saying is that the Branch Manager and the Senior Librarian should have completely different jobs. The Branch Manager needs to be occupied managing the library: making executive decisions, hiring and firing, handling/endorsing all movement of money, handling all staff issues, mediating disputes, attending Managers' meetings, etc... The Senior Librarian would have none of these duties; they would be creating book order lists, running library programs, handling reference duties, and whatever else their job entails. The SLAs should be, in my opinion, Senior LIBRARY Assistants, not SENIOR LIBRARIAN Assistants. In other words, their only boss is the Branch Manager; who would assign them their duties and make sure everything works the way it is supposed to. The only change I would propose for them is time helping on the reference desk while the Librarians handle other duties. The LAIIs, likewise, would assist the Library, not the Senior Librarian, and thus their boss is the Branch Manger as well. This streamlines the entire chain of command quite nicely, and puts authority and decisions in the proper hands and position.
The only time that the Senior Librarian would assume extra duties is in the absence of the Branch Manager. But this isn't really that often and any real issues could be temporarily deferred to the Branch Manager until their return.
My comments here really only pertain to branch libraries, Central has this pretty much worked out.
What do you guys think?