How else to bring in the New Year...
than with some Goatse!
I want to see the pic of the large man-made goatse, but the big version is not there.
I bet Blizzard never saw this coming! Deckard and Griswold are probably rolling over in their graves, unless they're still in some level of hell...
than with some Goatse!
Crazy Russians!
"A Russian lawyer made his contribution to helping the environment when he announced his privatization of all the clouds in the sky this week.
'As derelict natural resources originating on Earth, not belonging at this point to any government or person, are my property,' he declared in the document, which he is sending out to the governments of 150 countries."Wait, wait, that's not what I mean. Yesterday, for the first time in a long time, I saw regular unleaded for $1.59. I hope gas prices keep cruising down.
Daniel and I found out that if you search for "gun" in an unrestricted Google image search, you get some interesting pictures. Give it a shot. I dare you.
Now most conventional Christian churches teach that not only is sex out of wedlock wrong, but that so is masturbation. But what about putting balls in your stretched ass like Goatse? Is taking sexual gratification in other ways that do not involve the genital areas a sin? Has this been addressed? If not, it needs to be.
Have you ever heard the Saliva song in which the chorus says "a message to your enemies: never fuck with one who's had to fight for bein' free." This line has always grated on my many times has Saliva had to fight for their freedom? My guess would be any multiple of zero.
For those of you who don't know the whole scoop....Alex is attending law school in D.C. ... or so he says. I placed numerous calls to all sorts of institutions out there, and none seemed to have a student registered under is name. Finally, i found the right school. Interestingly enough, it looks like a very decent school.
This site actually does what Horagrim claims to do. Of course, they don't update as often as they use to and they don't talk about CRAP....but it's still useful to look into a day at a library:
You know, ever since the semester ended I've been defecating quite more often that I had before. I haven't been eating more though, just crapping more. I don't mean minor waste either, I mean a decent sized deuce. And on top of this, the corn ratio is higher than I would expect considering that I haven't eaten corn in months. So my theory is that now that the stress of the semester is over, that old impacted feces is finally sliding its way out of my colon and down the sewer pipes (or in the Central Bookdrop from time to time).
Let's get one of them counters and some keywords like the three wise men have on their page.
Yes! I got my DSL set up down in this rat-hole, finally! That means I'm no longer restricted to being on the internet after 8pm on Tuesday and Thursday nights!
Ever worry if your evening attire is Bible-worthy? Well this website answers all your questions. Before you put on your wonder bra or bondage gear, just ask: Would the Lord approve?
I doubt that interview with goatse man is with the REAL goatse man, but the pictures certaqinyl were horrifying. If you'd rather read one that's clearly satirical, check this out
You guys can thank Daniel for this one. It's from forums:
Adam's post about all the toilets being stained reminded me a time the Irving AMC 8 was hit pretty hard with an ass-plosion that I think Jason and perhaps Daniel were privy to as well. None of us caused it, but we witnessed the horror, and it got us thinking: "what is it about movie theaters that causes such bowel stress?" We ended up going with the theory that sitting down for two hours while movie concessions brew in your bowels is the main cause.
This was Something Awful's awful link of the day today. Don't go unless you want to see a woman drinking a tasty drink out of a "cocktube."
Alright...I've challenged Chris in an earlier post. I will now challenge Daniel to a game of Windows XP wit. On go to the Learning tab on the left, then find the Skills Assessment link. There are two Windows XP skills assessments, I took the second one on the list. I got an 83% the first time and a 90% the second time. I challenge thee!
Young men are warned about laptop risk
So I was driving home from work today, when suddenly my car stopped accelerrating on Hwy 114. I pulled over and glanced at my fuel meter. The needle was sitting on the very end of the red "E." So my mom brings me a couple gallons of gas which spill all over my hands as I try to shove the flimsy spout into the vehicle. In fact, my hands still have that gasoline smell. I try to start up the 14 year-old machine, and the engine sputters and makes a popping noise. It won't budge an inch.
I've scanned most of the Road Trip pics and I have them ready to post. I'll put them up a few at a time so as not to overwhelm the blog page and all that. I know they're not great quality, the scanner I used isn't that great.
Beans give you gas, as everyone here i'm sure knows, and Cheese (know to cause constipation) plugs you up.
So when I got up to take a piss this morning I found that every toilet in there had been stained something awful. Not quite Desperado bad because the walls were okay (I think), but the toilets were just destroyed. I believe this too awful not to have been a planned staining.
Pictures of the Road Trip are coming soon. They have been developed and are simply in need of a good scanning!
Retard. No, not retard, but like retort only it's a retard. Yeah.